Suzy B Software 2
Suzy B Software CD-ROM 2 (1994).iso
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Text File
1,867 lines
WHO=0 ; 0=wax, 1=gen, 2=roro
ifeq WHO*(WHO-1)
incdir d:\assemble\sources.wax\direct4d.pro
ifeq (WHO-2)
incdir d:\devpac\source\genuwax\direct4d
include guw_mac3.s
include wd2d_pro.hs
ifeq MOD_ACC
ifeq WHO*(WHO-1)
output d:\assemble\sources.wax\direct4d.pro\wd2d_pro.app
ifeq (WHO-2)
output d:\devpac\source\genuwax\direct4d\wd2d_pro.app
output c:\wd2d_pro.acc
; Direct to disk en lecture
; NB buf variable, rattrape le retard, et décompression incluse
; module externe utilisable par n'importe quel programme.
; Passage de paramètres .TTP, et messages applications GEM.
; 24/VII/93 27/VII 30/VII 07/VIII 16/VIII 30/VIII 25/IX
; 18/II/94 25/II 02/IV 04/IV 15/IV 23/IV 24/IV, 27/IV
; 30/IV 29/V 30/V 1/VI 18/VI 24/VII 5/X 14/X 15/X 16/X 1/XI
; 2/XI 5/XI 6/XI 11/XI 13/XI 26/XI 27/XI 4/XII 11/XII
; 1/I/94
; Gem version : 23/II/1994.
comment HEAD=7
section TEXT
debut: init_prg 1024,#name_rsc
move.l a5,command_line
menu_register #-1,#register_name ; register new name
shel_write #9,#1,#0,#0,#0 ; reçoit les messages MiNT
clr sample_playing
clr.l are_there_more
clr.l play_list_ptr
clr which_clock ; interne
clr loop
clr.l header
clr replay_in_psst
move.w #1,which_rout ; routine par défaut
move #20,nb_ms ; 20 ms ps-st
tst acc_app
bne.s its_an_app
menu_register global+4,#string_acc ; C 1 ACC
move d0,acc_number
bmi fin
bra boucle_gem_principale
its_an_app: tst Mint_present ; C 1 PRG
beq.s .no_mint
menu_register global+4,#string_acc ; C 1 PRG sous Mint
move #METHOD_1,d0 ; C 1 PRG
move d0,previous_check2
moveq #1,d1
bsr check_menu
move #FREQUENCY_0,d0 ; interne
moveq #1,d1
bsr check_menu
* move #FREQUENCY_9,d0
* move #0,d1
* bsr grey_menu
tst copro
bne.s .is_copro
move #SPECIAL,d0
move #0,d1
bsr grey_menu
move.b #freq8,frequency_for_play
move #FREQUENCY_1,d0
move d0,previous_check1
moveq #1,d1
bsr check_menu
* move #1,loop
* move #FILES_LOOP,d0
* moveq #1,d1
* bsr check_menu
lea original_table_dvswax,a0
lea table_dvswax,a1
move #256-1,d0
.default: move.w (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,.default
bsr show_menu
move.l command_line,a5
clr d0
move.b $80(a5),d0 ; ligne de commande ?
beq.s boucle_gem_principale
* subq #1,d0 ; pas de sub : recopie le 0
lea $81(a5),a0
* tst Mint_present
* beq.s .no_mint2 ; il n'y a forcément qu'un nom si pas mint
move.l #return_more_names,are_there_more
lea return_more_names,a1
.cp_name: move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,.cp_name
bra ask_selctor
*.no_mint2: lea name_2_load,a1
*.cp_name2: move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
* dbf d0,.cp_name2
* bra load_file2
clr d0
tst acc_app
beq.s .its_acc
bset #EVNT_KEYBD,d0
.its_acc: bset #EVNT_MESAG,d0
bset #EVNT_TIMER,d0
move #1,d1 ; timer en ms
bsr traite_evenement_gem
btst #EVNT_KEYBD,d0
bne keyboard
btst #EVNT_TIMER,d0
bne.s timer
btst #EVNT_MESAG,d0
bne message
bra.s boucle_gem_principale
timer: tst sample_playing
beq.s .no
tst end_of_file
bne.s .wait
bsr check_d2d_load
.no bra boucle_gem_principale
.wait: bsr check_d2d_load
move semaphore,d0
cmp.w #NBR_BUFF+1,d0 ; on laisse jouer les derniers
blt boucle_gem_principale
bsr stop_if_running
tst loop
bne reload_the_same
tst.l are_there_more
bne load_file
tst.l play_list_ptr
bne load_file
bra boucle_gem_principale
neg d1
cmp.w #AP_TERM,d1 ; AP_TERM
beq fin
cmp.w #ACC_OPEN,d1 ; ACC_OPEN
bne.s .not_open_acc
move.w acc_number,d2 ; store the application id
cmp.w buffer_msg+4*2,d2
bne boucle_gem_principale
bsr stop_if_running
clr.l are_there_more
bra load_file
bne.s .not_close_acc
move.w acc_number,d2 ; store the application id
cmp.w buffer_msg+3*2,d2
bne boucle_gem_principale
* tst sample_playing
* beq boucle_gem_principale
* lea alert_accclose,a0
* bsr alert_box
* cmp.w #1,d0
* beq boucle_gem_principale
bsr stop_if_running
bra boucle_gem_principale
cmp.w #224,d1 ; on m'a envoyé 1 msg
beq.s pour_moi
bra boucle_gem_principale
*move buffer_msg+2,d0 ; qui m'a anvoyé ça ?
move buffer_msg+4,d0
lea buffer_msg+2*3,a0
lea store_msg,a1
move #8-3-1,d1
.cp: move.w (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d1,.cp
lea store_msg+(8-3)*2,a6 ; pointe sur la fin de buffer récep
tst d0
beq.s .finish
add.w d0,a6
save a6
appl_read global+4,d0,a1
load a6
lea store_msg,a0
cmp.l #'stop',(a0) ;'stop'
bne.s .pastop
bsr stop_if_running
bra boucle_gem_principale
.pastop: cmp.l #'play',(a0)
bne.s .pasplay
lea 4+1(a0),a0 ;'play='
lea name_2_load,a1
.ccp: move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
tst.b -1(a1)
bne.s .ccp
bra load_file2
.pasplay: cmp.l #'conv',(a0) ; 'conv=1,name1,name2,name3'
beq.s conversions
bra boucle_gem_principale
conversions:lea 5(a0),a0
cmp.b #'1',(a0)
bne.s .pas_1
move #%10,d1 ; 0=read 1=write
move #2,d2 ; nb. de fich attendus
lea conv_auto1,a1
bra .open_them
.pas_1: cmp.b #'2',(a0)
bne.s .pas_2
move #%110,d1 ; 0=read 1=write 1=write
move #3,d2 ; nb. de fich attendus
lea conv_auto2,a1
bra .open_them
.pas_2: cmp.b #'3',(a0)
bne.s .pas_3
move #%10,d1 ; 0=read 1=write
move #2,d2 ; nb. de fich attendus
lea conv_auto3,a1
bra.s .open_them
.pas_3: cmp.b #'4',(a0)
bne.s .pas_4
move #%0,d1 ; 0=read
move #1,d2 ; nb. de fich attendus
lea conv_auto4,a1
bra.s .open_them
.pas_4: cmp.b #'5',(a0)
bne.s .pas_5
move #%10,d1 ; 0=read 1=write
move #2,d2 ; nb. de fich attendus
lea conv_auto56,a1
move #1,type_a_sound ; Stereo Track -> DVS
bra.s .open_them
.pas_5: cmp.b #'6',(a0)
bne.s .pas_6
move #%10,d1 ; 0=read 1=write
move #2,d2 ; nb. de fich attendus
lea conv_auto56,a1
move.w #3,type_a_sound ; Mono Track -> DVS
bra.s .open_them
.pas_6: cmp.b #'7',(a0)
bne.s .pas_7
move #%10,d1 ; 0=read 1=write
move #2,d2 ; nb. de fich attendus
lea conv_auto7,a1
bra.s .open_them
.pas_7: bra boucle_gem_principale ; mauvais message ?
.open_them: lea 2(a0),a0 ; "1,"
lea handle1,a3
clr.l (a3)
clr.w 4(a3) ; pour 'le close'
.redo: move.l a0,a2
.ser: cmp.b #',',(a2)
beq.s .found
addq.l #1,a2
cmp.l a6,a2
blt.s .ser
bra.s .plante
.found: clr.b (a2)+
save d1/d2/a1/a2/a3
btst #0,d1
beq.s .zero
file_open write,(a0)
bra.s .cont
.zero: file_open read,(a0)
.cont: load d1/d2/a1/a2/a3
move.w d0,(a3)+
ble.s .plante
move.l a2,a0
lsr.w #1,d1
subq #1,d2
bgt.s .redo
save a1
bsr stop_if_running
load a1
jmp (a1)
.plante: file_close handle3
file_close handle2
file_close handle1
bra boucle_gem_principale
; --------------------------------
keyboard: lea conversion,a0
bsr convert_key_in_event
tst d7
bne boucle_gem_principale
message: tst d1
bmi unknown_message
cmp.b #FREQUENCY_1,d1
bne.s pas_1
move.b #freq8,frequency_for_play
move #FREQUENCY_1,d6
bsr menu_freq_check
pas_1: cmp.b #FREQUENCY_2,d1
bne.s pas_2
move.b #freq10,frequency_for_play
move #FREQUENCY_2,d6
bsr menu_freq_check
pas_2: cmp.b #FREQUENCY_3,d1
bne.s pas_3
move.b #freq12,frequency_for_play
move #FREQUENCY_3,d6
bsr menu_freq_check
pas_3: cmp.b #FREQUENCY_4,d1
bne.s pas_4
move.b #freq16,frequency_for_play
move #FREQUENCY_4,d6
bsr menu_freq_check
pas_4: cmp.b #FREQUENCY_5,d1
bne.s pas_5
move.b #freq20,frequency_for_play
move #FREQUENCY_5,d6
bsr menu_freq_check
pas_5: cmp.b #FREQUENCY_6,d1
bne.s pas_6
move.b #freq25,frequency_for_play
move #FREQUENCY_6,d6
bsr menu_freq_check
pas_6: cmp.b #FREQUENCY_7,d1
bne.s pas_7
move.b #freq33,frequency_for_play
move #FREQUENCY_7,d6
bsr menu_freq_check
pas_7: cmp.b #FREQUENCY_8,d1
bne.s pas_8
move.b #freq49,frequency_for_play
move #FREQUENCY_8,d6
bsr menu_freq_check
pas_8: cmp.b #FREQUENCY_9,d1
bne.s pas_9
move.w #1,which_clock
tst sample_playing
beq.s .not_set
move.w #1,-(sp) ; no hand shaking
clr d0
move.b frequency_for_play,d0
move.w d0,-(sp)
move.w which_clock,-(sp) ; 1=externe
move.w #8,-(sp) ; destination : DAC
move.w #0,-(sp) ; source : DMA
appel xbios,139,12
.not_set: move.w #FREQUENCY_9,d0
moveq #1,d1
bsr check_menu
move.w #FREQUENCY_0,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr check_menu
pas_9: cmp.b #FREQUENCY_0,d1
bne.s pas_0
move.w #0,which_clock
tst sample_playing
beq.s .not_set
move.w #1,-(sp) ; no hand shaking
clr d0
move.b frequency_for_play,d0
move.w d0,-(sp)
move.w which_clock,-(sp) ; 0=interne
move.w #8,-(sp) ; destination : DAC
move.w #0,-(sp) ; source : DMA
appel xbios,139,12
.not_set: move.w #FREQUENCY_0,d0
moveq #1,d1
bsr check_menu
move.w #FREQUENCY_9,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr check_menu
tst sample_playing
bne no_method_change
cmp.b #METHOD_1,d1
bne.s pas_f1
bsr check_method
move.w #1,which_rout
pas_f1: cmp.b #METHOD_2,d1
bne.s pas_f2
bsr check_method
move.w #2,which_rout ; 2 & 2bis sont pour le mono 16 bits
pas_f2: cmp.b #METHOD_3,d1
bne.s pas_f3
bsr check_method
move.w #3,which_rout
cmp.b #METHOD_4,d1
bne.s pas_f4
tst replay_in_psst
beq.s .ze
clr replay_in_psst
bra.s .noze
.ze: move #1,replay_in_psst
.noze: move #METHOD_4,d0
move replay_in_psst,d1
bsr check_menu
cmp.w #INFO_MENU,d1
bne.s .pas1
move.w #FORM_INFOS,d0
bsr traite_formulaire
move.w #DESCRIPTION,d0
bsr traite_formulaire
bra boucle_gem_principale
bne.s .pas2
bsr traite_formulaire
lea add_tree,a0
bsr get_addr_tree
move.l add_tree,a0
move.w #VALUE_IN_MS,d0
bsr get_text_add
move.l a1,a2 ; sauve pour tester le moins '-'
.next: tst.b (a1)
beq.s .pas2
clr d0
move.b (a1)+,d0
cmp.b #'-',d0
beq.s .next
sub.b #'0',d0
tst.b (a1)
beq.s .stock
mulu #10,d0
clr d1
move.b (a1)+,d1
sub.b #'0',d1
add d1,d0
.stock: cmp.b #'-',(a2)
bne.s .pos
neg d0
.pos: cmp #99,d0
bgt.s .pas2
cmp #-99,d0
blt.s .pas2
move d0,nb_ms
bra boucle_gem_principale
cmp.w #FILES_QUIT,d1
beq fin
cmp.w #FILES_STOP,d1
bne.s .no1
bsr stop_if_running
bra boucle_gem_principale
cmp.w #FILES_LOAD,d1
beq load_file
cmp.w #FILES_LOOP,d1
beq loop_file
cmp.w #FILES_INFO,d1
beq show_info_about_a_file ; infos sur 1 DVS
cmp.w #CONVERSION_1,d1 ; stéréo -> mono
beq conv1
cmp.w #CONVERSION_2,d1 ; stéréo -> G & D
beq conv2
cmp.w #CONVERSION_3,d1 ; mono -> stéréo
beq conv3
cmp.w #CONVERSION_4,d1 ; choose compression table
beq choose_table
cmp.w #CONVERSION_5,d1 ; TRK stéréo -> DVS
beq conv5
cmp.w #CONVERSION_6,d1 ; TRK mono -> DVS
beq conv6
cmp.w #CONVERSION_7,d1 ; DVS -> TRK
beq conv7
cmp.w #CONVERSION_8,d1 ; AVR -> TRK
beq conv8
beq analyse_trk
beq analyse_distorsion
bra boucle_gem_principale
move.l #'*.DV',whato
move.l #'S,*.',whato+4
move.l #'LT'*65536,whato+8
lea text_infodvw,a0
bsr copy_in2_select
bsr fileselect
tst d4
beq annn
lea params_it,a0
.f: tst.b (a0)+ ; X X X 0 ptr
bne.s .f
cmp.l #'.LT'*256,-4(a0)
beq its_list_of_track
FS_FIRST #$23,params_it
move.l d0,a0
move.l 26(a0),taille_fich_dvw
file_open read,params_it
tst d0
bmi annn
move.w d0,handle1
file_read #read_info_dvw,#16,handle1
cmp.l #16,d0
bne annn2
lea read_info_dvw,a0
cmp.l #'DVSM',dvs_header(a0)
bne annn2 ; raw data : pas de fréquence
tst.w dvs_header+4(a0)
bne annn2 ; not supported
move.w dvs_length(a0),length_tetos+2
move.w #INFO_ON_FILE,d0
lea add_tree,a0
bsr get_addr_tree
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #INFO_TITLE,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
clr.b (a1)
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #INFO_AUTHOR,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
clr.b (a1)
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #ADD_PACKT_YES_NO,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
move.l #'NO.'*256,(a1)
move.l #16,d7
file_read #scan_cookies,#6,handle1
cmp.l #6,d0
bne annn2
lea scan_cookies,a0
cmp.l #'LPKC',cookie_identify(a0)
beq.s .lpck
cmp.l #'PACK',cookie_identify(a0)
beq.s .pack
cmp.l #'TITL',cookie_identify(a0)
beq .titl
cmp.l #'AUTH',cookie_identify(a0)
beq .auth
clr.l d0
move.w cookie_length(a0),d0
add.w d0,d7
subq.l #6,d0
file_seek #1,handle1,d0
cmp.l length_tetos,d7
bne.s .view_cookies
bra .fincookies
.lpck: file_read #read_dvs_header,#2,handle1
cmp.l #2,d0
bne annn2
add.l #8,d7
move.w read_dvs_header,store_lpckc ; 8 bit pack-code
bra.s .finish_cookie
.pack: file_seek #1,handle1,#256*2
add.l #4+2+256*2,d7
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #ADD_PACKT_YES_NO,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
move.l #'YES'*256,(a1)
bra.s .finish_cookie
.titl: move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #INFO_TITLE,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
file_read a1,#26,handle1
add.l #4+2+26,d7
bra .finish_cookie
.auth: move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #INFO_AUTHOR,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
file_read a1,#26,handle1
add.l #4+2+26,d7
bra .finish_cookie
file_close handle1
lea read_info_dvw,a6
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #PACKED_YES_NO,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
move.l #'NO'*65536,(a1)
cmp.b #2,dvs_pack(a6) ; 2=packé
bne.s .no
move.l #'YES'*256,(a1)
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
clr.l d0
move.w store_lpckc,d0
bsr deci2
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #FREQUENZ,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
move.w dvs_freq(a6),d0
lea table_cv_freq,a0
move.w 6(a0,d0.w*8),freq_dvw+2
move.w 0(a0,d0.w*8),(a1) ; ex. : 8.
clr.b 2(a1)
; 0=stéréo,1=mono
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #TYPE_OF_SOUND,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
move.l taille_fich_dvw,d7
clr.l d6
move.w dvs_length(a6),d6
sub.l d6,d7 ; approximation à 0.03 %
cmp.b #1,dvs_mode(a6) ; 1=stéréo
beq.s .stereo
move.l #'mono',(a1)
clr.b 4(a1)
bra.s .conti
.stereo: move.l #'ster',(a1)
move.w #'eo',4(a1)
clr.b 6(a1)
divu.l #2,d7
.conti: tst.b dvs_pack(a6) ; 2=packé, 0=non packé
bne.s .packed
divu.l #2,d7
.packed: divu.l freq_dvw,d7
same_as_before: ; le programme pour *.LT reprend ici
divu #60,d7
move.w d7,d6
ext.l d6 ; minutes
swap d7
ext.l d7 ; secs
save d6-d7
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #MINUTES,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
load d6-d7
move.l d6,d0
save d7
bsr deci2
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #SECONDS,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
load d7
move.l d7,d0
bsr deci2
move #INFO_ON_FILE,d0
bsr traite_formulaire
annn: bra boucle_gem_principale
annn2: file_close handle1
bra.s annn
bsr stop_if_running ; on utilise son buffer (.LT)
file_open read,params_it
move d0,d7
bmi annn
file_read #list_of_tracks,#4096,d7
move.l d0,d6
bmi.s annn
file_close d7
cmp.l #4096,d6 ; liste trop grande
beq.s annn
lea list_of_tracks,a0
clr.b (a0,d6.l)
clr.l d1 ; compte les secondes
treat_nxt: tst.b (a0)
beq dis_was_last
cmp.b #' ',(a0)
beq.s .zap_dis
cmp.b #lf,(a0)
beq.s .zap_dis
cmp.b #rc,(a0)
beq.s .zap_dis
cmp.b #9,(a0) ; tab
beq.s .zap_dis
bra.s .cool
.zap_dis: lea 1(a0),a0
bra.s treat_nxt
.cool: lea name_2_load,a1
.redo: move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s .end_ofl
cmp.b #' ',d0
beq.s .last
cmp.b #lf,d0
beq.s .last
cmp.b #rc,d0
beq.s .last
cmp.b #9,d0
beq.s .last
move.b d0,(a1)+
bra.s .redo
.end_ofl: lea -1(a0),a0 ; pour pointer sur le 0
.last: clr.b (a1)+
save a0/d1
FS_FIRST #$23,name_2_load
move.l d0,a0
move.l 26(a0),taille_fich_dvw
file_open read,name_2_load
load a0/d1
move.w d0,d7
bmi do_not_count
save a0/d1
file_read #read_info_dvw,#16,d7
save d0
file_close d7
load d0
load a0/d1
cmp.l #16,d0
bne do_not_count
lea read_info_dvw,a6
cmp.l #'DVSM',dvs_header(a6)
bne do_not_count
tst.w dvs_header+4(a6)
bne do_not_count
clr.l d0
move.w dvs_freq(a6),d2
lea table_cv_freq,a1
move.w 6(a1,d2.w*8),d0
move.l taille_fich_dvw,d7
clr.l d6
move.w dvs_length(a6),d6
sub.w d6,d7
cmp.b #1,dvs_mode(a6) ; 1=stéréo
bne.s .mono
divu.l #2,d7
.mono: tst.b dvs_pack(a6) ; 2=packé, 0=non packé
bne.s .pac
divu.l #2,d7
.pac: divu.l d0,d7
add.l d7,d1
bra treat_nxt
save d1
move.w #INFO_ON_FILE,d0
lea add_tree,a0
bsr get_addr_tree
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #PACKED_YES_NO,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
move.l #'YES'*256,(a1)
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #TYPE_OF_SOUND,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
move.l #'???'*256,(a1)
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #INFO_TITLE,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
lea params_it,a0
move #26-1,d0
.rcp: move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,.rcp
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #INFO_AUTHOR,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
clr.b (a1)
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #ADD_PACKT_YES_NO,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
move.l #'???'*256,(a1)
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #FREQUENZ,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
move.w #'?'*256,(a1)
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
move.w #'8'*256,(a1)
load d7
bra same_as_before
taille_fich_dvw: ds.l 1
length_tetos: ds.l 1
read_info_dvw: ds.b 16 ; pour l'analyse d'un dvw
scan_cookies: ds.b 4+2
header_dvw: ds.l 1
freq_dvw: ds.l 1 ; fréquence
store_lpckc: ds.w 1 ; 8 bit pack-code à priori
move.l #'*.TA',whato
move.w #'B'*256,whato+4
lea text_table,a0
bsr copy_in2_select
bsr fileselect
tst d4
beq ann
file_open read,params_it
tst d0
bmi ann
move.w d0,handle1
conv_auto4: file_read #table_dvswax,#256*2,handle1
move.l d0,d7
file_close handle1
cmp.l #256*2,d7
bne .pas_c
cmp.w #$8000,table_dvswax
bne .pas_c
cmp.w #$0000,table_dvswax+128*2
bne .pas_c
cmp.w #$7fff,table_dvswax+255*2
bne .pas_c
bra.s ann
.pas_c: lea original_table_dvswax,a0
lea table_dvswax,a1
move #256-1,d0
.default: move.w (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,.default
lea alert_table,a0
bsr alert_box
ann: bra boucle_gem_principale
********** Analyses **********
move.l #'*.TR',whato
move.w #'K'*256,whato+4
lea text_dist1,a0
bsr copy_in2_select
bsr fileselect
tst d4
beq .annule_dist
bsr stop_if_running ; car je fais test_if_wax_info_present2
lea params_it,a0
bsr test_if_wax_info_present2
file_open read,params_it
move.w d0,handle1
bmi .annule_dist
file_seek #0,handle1,header
lea text_dist2,a0
bsr copy_in2_select
bsr fileselect
tst d4
beq .annule_dist1
lea params_it,a0
bsr test_if_wax_info_present2
file_open read,params_it
move.w d0,handle2
bmi .annule_dist1
file_seek #0,handle2,header
bsr allocate_dis_memory
bmi .annule_dist2
move.l d0,memory_pointer
file_read memory_pointer,#TAILLE_BUFF_TEMP/2,handle1
cmp.l #TAILLE_BUFF_TEMP/2,d0
bne .annule_dist3
move.l memory_pointer,d0
add.l #TAILLE_BUFF_TEMP/2,d0
file_read d0,#TAILLE_BUFF_TEMP/2,handle2
cmp.l #TAILLE_BUFF_TEMP/2,d0
bne .annule_dist3
move.l memory_pointer,a0
move.l memory_pointer,a1
add.l #TAILLE_BUFF_TEMP/2,a1
fmove.w #0,fp0 ; somme des deltas
fmove.w #0,fp7 ; compteur
.redo: move.w (a0)+,d6
move.w (a1)+,d7
ext.l d6
ext.l d7
beq.s .zero
sub.l d7,d6
fmove.l d6,fp1
fmove.l d7,fp2
fabs.x fp1
fabs.x fp2
fdiv.x fp2,fp1
fadd.x fp1,fp0
fadd.x #1,fp7
.zero: subq.l #2,d0
bgt.s .redo
fdiv.x fp7,fp0
fmul.x #1000,fp0
move.w #DISTORSION,d0
lea add_tree,a0
bsr get_addr_tree
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #DIST_PER_MILE,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
fmove.l fp0,d0
bsr deci2
bsr traite_formulaire
cmp.w #DMORE,d0
beq .analyse_again
move.l memory_pointer,d0
bsr desallocate_dis_memory
file_close handle2
file_close handle1
bra boucle_gem_principale
analyse_trk:move.l #'*.TR',whato
move.w #'K'*256,whato+4
lea text_analyse,a0
bsr copy_in2_select
bsr fileselect
tst d4
beq .annule_ana
bsr stop_if_running
lea params_it,a0
bsr test_if_wax_info_present2
file_open read,params_it
move.w d0,handle1
bmi .annule_ana
file_seek #0,handle1,header
move.l #DEMI_TAILLE*2,d0
bsr allocate_dis_memory
bmi .annule_ana2
move.l d0,memory_pointer
file_read memory_pointer,#DEMI_TAILLE,handle1
cmp.l #DEMI_TAILLE,d0
bne .annule_ana3
move.l memory_pointer,a0
add.l #DEMI_TAILLE,a0
move.l #DEMI_TAILLE/4,d0
.clr: clr.l (a0)+
subq.l #1,d0
bne.s .clr
move.l memory_pointer,a0
move.l memory_pointer,a1
add.l #DEMI_TAILLE,a1
move.l a1,a6 ; ptr + 1/2 buufer
move.l a1,a5
add.l #DEMI_TAILLE,a5 ; ptr fin buffer
move.w (a0)+,d0
ext.l d0
move.w (a0)+,d1
ext.l d1
.redo: cmp.l a6,a0
bge.s .fini
move.l d0,d2
move.w (a0)+,d0
ext.l d0
sub.l d0,d2
bpl.s .pos1
neg.l d2
.pos1: move.l d1,d3
move.w (a0)+,d1
ext.l d1
sub.l d1,d3
bpl.s .pos2
neg.l d3
.pos2: addq.w #1,(a1,d2.l*2)
addq.w #1,(a1,d3.l*2)
bra.s .redo
move.w #ANALYSE,d0
lea add_tree,a0
bsr get_addr_tree
move.l add_tree,a0 ; a0
move.w #ABS_MIN_DELTA,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
move.l a6,a2
.ze: tst.w (a2)+
beq.s .ze
lea -2(a2),a2
sub.l a6,a2
move.l a2,d0
lsr.l #1,d0
bsr deci2
move.w #ABS_MAX_DELTA,d0
bsr get_text_add ; a1
move.l a5,a2
.ze0: tst.w -(a2)
beq.s .ze0
sub.l a6,a2
move.l a2,d0
lsr.l #1,d0
bsr deci2
move.w #AVERAGE_DELTA,d0
bsr get_text_add
move.l a6,a2
fmove.w #0,fp0 ; index
fmove.w #0,fp2 ; somme
clr.l d0
.redoo: cmp.l a5,a2
beq.s .f
move.w (a2)+,d0 ; jusqu'à 65535
fmove.l d0,fp1
fmul.x fp0,fp1
fadd.x fp1,fp2
fadd.x #1,fp0
bra.s .redoo
.f: fmove.l #DEMI_TAILLE/2,fp0 ; nombre d'échantillons traité
fdiv.x fp0,fp2
fmove.l fp2,d0
bsr deci2
bsr get_text_add
move.l a6,a2
;fp2: moyenne
fmove.w #0,fp0 ; index (delta 0 -> 65535)
fmove.w #0,fp3 ; somme des carrés
clr.l d0
.redooo: cmp.l a5,a2
beq.s .ff
move.w (a2)+,d0 ; jusqu'à 65535
fmove.l d0,fp1 ; nombre
fmove.x fp2,fp4 ; moy
fsub.x fp0,fp4 ; -val actuelle
fmul.x fp4,fp4 ; ^2
fmul.x fp1,fp4 ; * nb val actuelle
fadd.x fp4,fp3
fadd.x #1,fp0
bra.s .redooo
.ff: fmove.l #DEMI_TAILLE/2,fp0 ; nombre d'échantillons traités
fdiv.x fp0,fp3
fsqrt.x fp3
fmove.l fp3,d0
bsr deci2
move #ANALYSE,d0
bsr traite_formulaire
cmp.w #MORE,d0
beq .analyse_again
move.l memory_pointer,d0
bsr desallocate_dis_memory
file_close handle1
.annule_ana:bra boucle_gem_principale
******** Conversions *********
include convert.s
******** Loop mode ********
loop_file: tst loop
beq.s .null
move #0,loop
move #FILES_LOOP,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr check_menu
bra boucle_gem_principale
.null move #1,loop
move #FILES_LOOP,d0
moveq #1,d1
bsr check_menu
bra boucle_gem_principale
******* Load file sélectrix *********
tst.l play_list_ptr
bne copy_next_in_list
tst.l are_there_more ; test avant sélecteur pas logique
bne.s .more ; mais : si Multiple desktop select sous MiNT & pas selectrix
tst.l sltr_adress ; sélectrix is here ?
beq.s no_trix
move.l sltr_communication_word,a0
move.w #3,(a0)
move.l sltr_out_counter,a0
move.w #256,(a0)
move.l sltr_out_pointer,a0
move.l #return_more_names,(a0)
bra.s no_trix
.more: move.l are_there_more,a0
troc2: lea params_it,a1
cpp: move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
tst.b -1(a1)
beq.s .that_was_last
cmp.b #' ',-1(a1)
bne.s cpp
clr.b -1(a1)
move.l a0,are_there_more
bra no_selector
clr.l are_there_more
bra.s no_selector
move.l #'*.TR',whato
tst.l sltr_adress
beq.s .no_trix3
move.l #'K,*.',whato+4
move.l #'DVS,',whato+8 ; *.TRK,*.DVS,*.LT 0
move.l #'*.LT',whato+12
move.b #0,whato+16
bra.s .zap
.no_trix3: move.w #'K'*256,whato+4
lea texte_fsel,a0 ; 35 chars max.
bsr copy_in2_select
clr.b return_more_names ; s'il choisi 1 seul fichier
bsr fileselect
cmp.w #1,d4
bne.s f_i_n
tst.l sltr_adress
beq.s .no_trix2
tst.b return_more_names
beq.s .no_trix2 ; aucune sélection multiple (*.S par ex)
move.l #return_more_names,a0
bra troc2
tst.b params_it ; le mec tappe enter
beq.s f_i_n
bsr stop_if_running
lea params_it,a0
lea name_2_load,a1
.cp: move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
tst.b -1(a1)
bne.s .cp
load_file2: bsr test_if_itsa_play_list
tst d7
bpl load_file
bsr test_if_wax_info_present
reload_the_same: ; pour loop
bsr init_d2d
tst d7
bmi.s error_occured_at_init
bsr play_d2d
f_i_n: bra boucle_gem_principale
bne.s .pas1
bra.s .aff
.pas1: cmp #BAD_DVW_HEADER,d7
bne.s .aff
.aff: bsr traite_formulaire
bra boucle_gem_principale
******* List of Tracks *******
lea name_2_load,a0
lea name_for_wax,a1
.cp: move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
tst.b -1(a1)
bne.s .cp
lea -1(a1),a1
cmp.l #name_for_wax+4,a1
ble .return
cmp.l #'.LT'*256,-3(a1)
bne.s .return
file_open read,name_for_wax ; name for wax : sert aussi de buffer
move d0,d7
bmi .return
file_read #list_of_tracks,#4096,d7
move.l d0,d6
file_close d7
cmp.l #4096,d6 ; liste trop grande
beq.s .return
lea list_of_tracks,a0
clr.b (a0,d6.l)
move.l a0,play_list_ptr
clr d7
.return: moveq #-1,d7
bra.s .return
move.l play_list_ptr,a0
.next: tst.b (a0)
beq.s .fin
cmp.b #' ',(a0)
beq.s .zap_dis
cmp.b #lf,(a0)
beq.s .zap_dis
cmp.b #rc,(a0)
beq.s .zap_dis
cmp.b #9,(a0) ; tab
beq.s .zap_dis
bra.s .cool
.zap_dis: lea 1(a0),a0
bra.s .next
.cool: lea name_2_load,a1
.redo: move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s .end_ofl
cmp.b #' ',d0
beq.s .last
cmp.b #lf,d0
beq.s .last
cmp.b #rc,d0
beq.s .last
cmp.b #9,d0
beq.s .last
move.b d0,(a1)+
bra.s .redo
.last: clr.b (a1)+
move.l a0,play_list_ptr
bsr stop_if_running
bra load_it_now
.end_ofl: clr.l play_list_ptr
bra load_it_now
.fin: clr.l play_list_ptr
bra ask_selctor
******* Format WAX *******
lea name_2_load,a0
clr wax_info_present
;move.w #1,which_rout ; routine par défaut: ne pas changer
clr.l header ; si jamais le .WAX n'existe pas
;move #1,replay_in_psst ; il faut garder les prefs en cours
;move #20,nb_ms
lea name_for_wax,a1 ; met un .WAX à la fin du nom
.cp: move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
tst.b -1(a1)
bne.s .cp
.again: move.b -(a1),d0
cmp.b #'.',d0
beq.s .foundp
cmp.l #name_for_wax,a1
beq.s .noa
cmp.b #'\',d0
bne.s .again
.f0: tst.b (a1)+
bne.s .f0
move.l #'.WAX',-1(a1)
clr.b 3(a1)
bra.s .got_name
.foundp: move.l #'WAX'*256,1(a1)
.got_name: file_open read,name_for_wax ; name for wax : set aussi de buffer
move d0,d7
bmi pacool
file_read #name_for_wax,#256,d7
lea name_for_wax,a1
add.l d0,a1
save a1
file_close d7
load a1
move #1,wax_info_present
lea name_for_wax,a0
redox: cmp.l a0,a1
ble pacool
cmp.b #';',(a0)
bne.s .paspv
.notf: cmp.l a0,a1
ble pacool
move.b (a0)+,d0
cmp.b #lf,d0
bne.s .notf
bra.s redox
.paspv: cmp.l #'freq',(a0) ; Fréquence
bne.s .pasfreq
lea 5(a0),a0 ; après le =
lea table_cv_freq,a2
.f1: tst.w (a2)
beq redox
move.w (a0),d0
cmp.w (a2),d0
beq.s .f
lea 8(a2),a2
bra.s .f1
.f: move.w 2(a2),d0
move.b d0,frequency_for_play
move.w 4(a2),d6 ; menu check
save a0/a1
bsr menu_freq_check2
load a0/a1
bra redox
.pasfreq: cmp.l #'form',(a0) ; Format
bne.s .pasform
lea 5(a0),a0 ; après le =
cmp.l #'16bs',(a0)
bne.s .pa16bs
move.w #1,d0
move #METHOD_1,d1
bra.s .set_it
.pa16bs: cmp.l #'16bm',(a0)
bne.s .pa16bm
move.w #2,d0
move #METHOD_2,d1
bra.s .set_it
.pa16bm: cmp.l #'dvsm',(a0)
bne redox
move.w #3,d0
move #METHOD_3,d1
.set_it: move.w d0,which_rout
save a0/a1
bsr check_method
load a0/a1
bra redox
.pasform: cmp.l #'head',(a0) ; Header length
bne.s .pashead
lea 5(a0),a0 ; après le =
clr.l d1
.redo: clr d0
move.b (a0)+,d0
cmp.b #'0',d0
blt.s .finihed
cmp.b #'9',d0
bgt.s .finihed
mulu.l #10,d1
sub.b #'0',d0
ext.l d0
add.l d0,d1
bra.s .redo
.finihed: move.l d1,header
bra redox
.pashead: cmp.l #'dlay',(a0) ; Delay in ms
bne.s .pasdlay
lea 5(a0),a0 ; après le =
clr.l d1
move.l a0,a2
.redoo: clr d0
move.b (a0)+,d0
cmp.b #'-',d0
beq.s .redoo
cmp.b #'0',d0
blt.s .finihedd
cmp.b #'9',d0
bgt.s .finihedd
mulu.l #10,d1
sub.b #'0',d0
ext.l d0
add.l d0,d1
bra.s .redoo
.finihedd: cmp.b #'-',(a2)
bne.s .pos
neg d1
.pos: cmp.w #99,d1
bgt.s .passtk
cmp.w #-99,d1
blt.s .passtk
move.w d1,nb_ms
.passtk: bra redox
.pasdlay: cmp.l #'ster',(a0) ; Replay in ps-st if possible
bne.s .passter
lea 5(a0),a0 ; après le =
clr replay_in_psst
cmp.l #'YES.',(a0)
bne.s .past
move #1,replay_in_psst
.past: move #METHOD_4,d0
move replay_in_psst,d1
save a0/a1
bsr check_menu
load a0/a1
bra redox
lea 1(a0),a0
bra redox
pacool: rts
******* Fin Format WAX *******
fin: bsr stop_if_running
tst sample_playing ; sera updaté de toute façon
beq.s menu_freq_check2 ; à l'init 2 play
save d1 ; d6=menu
move.w #1,-(sp) ; no hand shaking
clr d0
move.b frequency_for_play,d0
move.w d0,-(sp)
move.w which_clock,-(sp) ; 0=interne 25 HHz,1=externe
move.w #8,-(sp) ; destination : DAC
move.w #0,-(sp) ; source : DMA
appel xbios,139,12
load d1
menu_freq_check2: ; set menu but not dma freq
save d1
move previous_check1,d0
move #0,d1
bsr check_menu ; uncheck
move d6,d0
move d6,previous_check1
move #1,d1
bsr check_menu ; check
load d1
save d1
move previous_check2,d0
move #0,d1
bsr check_menu
move.l (sp),d1
move d1,d0
move d0,previous_check2
moveq #1,d1
bsr check_menu
load d1
frequ: ds.b 1
TAILLE_MAGIC=5*6*7*8*2 ; multiple de 5...8=3360 (1/10 s à 33KHz mono packé)
NBR_BUFF=4 ; attention nombre minimal : 4 (pour conversions)!!
; pour qu'au chargement on charge juste 1 block en mono
include mod_dpro.s
section DATA
text_mono1: dc.b 'Stereo 16-bit file to convert mono :',0
text_mono2: dc.b 'Select Mono destination file :',0
text_two1: dc.b 'Stereo 16-bit file to convert L+R :',0
text_two2: dc.b 'Mono 16-bit file for Left chanel :',0
text_two3: dc.b 'Mono 16-bit file for Right chanel :',0
text_stereo1: dc.b 'Select 16-bit Mono source file :',0
text_stereo2: dc.b 'Select Stereo 16-bit file :',0
*text_dvs1: dc.b 'Select 16-bit DVSM source file :',0
*text_dvs2: dc.b 'Destination Stereo 16-bit file :',0
text_dvsw1: dc.b 'Select 16-bit TRK source file :',0
text_dvsw2: dc.b 'Destination file (16-bit DVS):',0
text_dvsw3: dc.b 'Source file (16-bit DVS):',0
text_dvsw4: dc.b 'Destination 16-bit TRK file :',0
text_avr1: dc.b 'Audio Visual Research file :',0
text_avr2: dc.b 'Enter destination 16-bit file :',0
text_analyse: dc.b 'Select stereo file to analyse :',0
text_dist1: dc.b 'Select first Track (TRK no header):',0
text_dist2: dc.b 'Select track to compare to :',0
text_table: dc.b 'Choose a 256*2 bytes table :',0
alert_table: dc.b "[3][There is a|problem with|your table !|setting default][OK]",0
text_infodvw: dc.b 'Choose DVS file to get info about :',0
*alert_accclose: dc.b "[3][I've received an|ACC_CLOSE event,|shall I close|or continue to play ?][CONTINUE|STOP]",0
incbin dvswax2.tab
conversion: dc.w $1709,FILES_INFO
dc.w $1e11,FILES_QUIT
* dc.w $260c,FILES_LOAD ; ^L
dc.w $180f,FILES_LOAD ; ^O
dc.w $1f13,FILES_STOP
dc.w $6d31,FREQUENCY_1
dc.w $6e32,FREQUENCY_2
dc.w $6f33,FREQUENCY_3
dc.w $6a34,FREQUENCY_4
dc.w $6b35,FREQUENCY_5
dc.w $6c36,FREQUENCY_6
dc.w $6737,FREQUENCY_7
dc.w $6838,FREQUENCY_8
dc.w $6839,FREQUENCY_9
dc.w $6830,FREQUENCY_0
dc.w $3b00,METHOD_1
dc.w $3c00,METHOD_2
dc.w $3d00,METHOD_3
dc.w $3e00,METHOD_4
dc.l 0
dc.w '8.',freq8,FREQUENCY_1,8195
dc.w '10',freq10,FREQUENCY_2,9834
dc.w '12',freq12,FREQUENCY_3,12292
dc.w '16',freq16,FREQUENCY_4,16490
dc.w '20',freq20,FREQUENCY_5,20770
dc.w '25',freq25,FREQUENCY_6,24585
dc.w '33',freq33,FREQUENCY_7,32880
dc.w '49',freq49,FREQUENCY_8,49170
dc.w 0
ifeq WHO*(WHO-1)
dc.b 'd:\assemble\sources.wax\direct4d.pro\wd2d_pro.rsc',0
ifeq (WHO-2)
dc.b 'd:\devpac\source\genuwax\direct4d\wd2d_pro.rsc',0
texte_fsel: dc.b 'Select a 16-bit track :',0
string_acc: dc.b ' Wax D2D Pro ',0
register_name:dc.b 'WD2D_PRO',0
section BSS
handle1: ds.w 1
handle2: ds.w 1
handle3: ds.w 1 ; ils doivent se suivre
memory_pointer: ds.l 1 ; pour toutes les conversions
previous_check1: ds.w 1 ; frequency
previous_check2: ds.w 1 ; what method
wax_info_present: ds.w 1
name_for_wax: ds.b 256
table_dvswax: ds.w 256 ; table qui sert pour packer
play_list_ptr: ds.l 1 ; pour la liste .LT
list_of_tracks: ds.b 4096 ; sert pour info & replay
are_there_more: ds.l 1 ; pour sélectrix
return_more_names: ds.b (8+1+3+1)*256
command_line: ds.l 1
acc_number: ds.w 1 ; ne sert à rien ... à priori
store_msg: ds.b 256 ; pour les messages envoyés par appl.
dvs_header: rs.b 6 ; DVSM\0\0
dvs_length: rs.w 1 ; distance of the sound data from the start of the file.
dvs_freq: rs.w 1 ; 0-7 : allowed CODEC frequencies (0: 8kHz ... 7: 49kHz)
dvs_pack: rs.b 1 ; 0=not packed,2=DVS pack,4=voice pack
dvs_mode: rs.b 1 ; 0=stéréo 8bit / 1=stéréo 16 bit / 2=mono 8bit / 3=mono 16 bit
dvs_block_length: rs.l 1
cookie_identify: rs.l 1
cookie_length: rs.w 1
cookie Lenght of the data Usage
'LPKC' 1 word length of pack code in bits (8 -> 1)
'TITL' 26 bytes Title of the song
'AUTH' 26 bytes Author of the song
'CLCK' 1 word 0: intern clock, 1: extern CD, 2: extern DAT
'PEAK' 4 byte one word for the left and right channel containing the
highest sample value
'DSPE' x bytes DSP program (soundeffect !!) in binary format
'PARA' x bytes x parameters for the sound effect. NOT before the 'DSPE'
'PACK' 128 or 8 bytes Deltapack table for the distance values. Used instead of
the standard table (see below).
'INFO' x bytes info text (e.g. full title)
Not use in WinRec (by now)
'KARA' x Bytes karaoke text (see below)
The maximal header length (all blocks together) is limited to 65535 Bytes.
Every programm should parse the blocks, and decide to use them or not.
karaoke text format
long cookie='KARA'
int len
int textlen
followed by the text ('textlen' bytes) in standard ASCII format. After this the extension included
a measure table, with a long word (4 byte) for every word in the text. The long word contains
the time distance to the next word in 1/sampling frequency